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It turns out that in a sentence

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Sentence count:66Posted:2017-06-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: gutturalby turnsturnstiletake turnsat thatnot thatto the effect thatturn out to be
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31. When I first went to look it up I wasn't sure if it was gerfuffle or kerfuffle and it turns out that this "informal" nature of the word was what led me to this confusion.
32. Inker's hypothesis, it turns out that about 75% of the value of shares is actually based on dividends that will be paid more than eleven years from now.
33. It turns out that most of the elements of intuitive graphical interfaces are actually visual idioms.
34. It turns out that the woman was like her mother-in-law--a loving and caring person, the type who rolls up her sleeves and volunteers to work at church or help out people in need.
35. It turns out that some species of the Whiptail lizard have figured out how to do this and completely eliminated the male sex .
36. It turns out that a floating point number is an unusually simple structure in one very specific respect.
37. It turns out that Mantis shrimp has a piece of abdominal armourcalled a "telson", which is strong enough to withstands repeatedassaults from other shrimp.
38. It turns out that the antibonding orbital is a little bit higher from the atomic orbital level than the bonding orbital is lower.
39. Today is so-called Palm Sunday, as it turns out that our sermon scripture comes to 1 Chronicles 11, the story of David conquered Jerusalem.
40. And the reason is, as we'll see shortly, it turns out that every single macroscopic thermodynamic function can be Derived by knowing just that.
41. It turns out that accurately placing text aligned vertically and horizontally around the perimeter of a circle is somewhat complicated, so a simple trial-and-error approach is shown on lines 80-107.
42. It turns out that for most objects, the direct garbage collection cost is -- zero.
43. It turns out that Beck had found another on the methodology control panel: discipline.
44. It turns out that the faithful prairie vole has receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin in brain regions associated with reward and reinforcement, whereas the montane vole does not.
45. What is happening is it turns out that putting the electrons in that lower energy state is stabilizing that molecule So that works.
46. The angle between the polarization vector in the dielectric ellipsoid and the external field vector is calculated, it turns out that the directions of them are not always strictly antiparallel.
47. It turns out that if you make them forfeit their cash value on canceling, then they won't cancel.
48. It turns out that Utnapishtim can't help him, and we'll come back to Utnapishtim later in the flood story, and Gilgamesh is devastated.
49. It turns out that a lot of the high profile people Google is recruiting are coming from cross-town rival Oracle (ORCL).
50. Using Mr. Inker's hypothesis, it turns out that about 75% of the value of shares is actually based on dividends that will be paid more than eleven years from now.
51. Tactile sensation is gradually clear,( it turns out that free reverse side is is lonely.
52. It turns out that this constant is rather large - on the order of 10.
53. It turns out that an LCS of these two sequences is GCCAG.
54. It turns out that there is a folk etymology floating around out there that there was this guy, General Joseph Hooker was the origin for the word hooker that we now give to prostitutes.
55. It turns out that people who eat low-fat or fat-free dairy lose MORE weight than people who don't.
56. It turns out that love on campus is commonly short and dreamful.
57. In the event, it turns out that, inside, the Priory actually looks, and smells, like a lower-midrange family-run hotel.
58. It turns out that the correct discount rate for risk - free investments is the after - tax bill rate.
58. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
59. So it turns out that radiocarbon dating works for a lot of prehistorical art.
60. It turns out that love in the campus is commonly short and dreamful.
More similar words: gutturalby turnsturnstiletake turnsat thatnot thatto the effect thatturn out to bedespite the fact thatat that timeAll is not gold that glittersburnsbut thenopen sourceinsouciantcutthroatcut-throatthatinsouciancecut throughput throughhit the hayhit the roofhit the sackhit the markthat isso thatall thatnow thatsee that
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